Saturday, May 12, 2007


Well hello again!
Here we are!!!! China......
It's been a while since u seen us on here, but here are some pics of what we've been up to around the asialand........enjoy

Wow, snow!! I know, it was a total surprise to me too! Weren't expecting that! It was awesome how we didn't fully plan much but God is our guide and set us up with interesting stuff to see all along the way. Very exciting to get to go up into some mountains. Crazy huge beautiful, dizzying. This is us at 4000m above sea level, up near Tibet somewhere. Within 2 weeks we went from 40 degrees celcius in Thailand to -10 in China.

This is a pretty normal sight in China, people will take anything on their bike, we saw washing machines, TVs, huge crazy loads of all sorts of stuff and on push-bikes too!

We visited a Lisu village up a mountain near the Myanmar border. This is Benji teaching some villagers about how to raise pigs! We also taught them wicked cool emroidery skills

This is the village we stayed in and in the distance you can see the town we walked from to get there. Super remote and a total different world to anything I have ever seen or imagined. Awesome to experience village life in China!

Francie and our Lisu Nana

Feeding time. Yeehaa potatoes!!!!!!!!

And on a different note the (frequently fed to us) chicken milkshake. Definition = a whole chicken, head, feet, guts and all shoved in a blender or in this case pummelled with a sharp knife.

Delightful Chinese quisine: how about some marinated chicken feet for a yummy treat from the dairy?

The 4 of us in the Shangri-la area. Stunning and super-hard-to-believe-it's-real scenery and crazy high mountains everywhere! Made my eyes spin.

Tiger leaping Gorge

Instructions for finding the treasure......o arrrrrr

Us after a bit of a treck down and up the side of the gorge - my body hated me for it! But was incredable. Benji got a big kick out of seeing the huge killer rapids in the river which is really famous but I forgot it's name woops.....

Snow on the way to Deqin near the Tibetan Autonomous area

At 4000m again!!! Quite the exciting day for us all

Some great Engrish skills. Love it!

A yak feasting on some noodles. Man they're cute! In this place we stayed for a while they just wander aimlessly all over the main road and anywhere most of the day. It's funny as. I never quite managed to sneak a photo of me with one, gutted. But lucky, not one of them managed to poo on me, or the laptop, yay.

Beautiful mountain view from outside our rooms!

A Happy man.

And then the 4 of us going maybe a little kookoo in the excitement of heading back to Thailand. Yeaaaaaaaaaaa!
Love you guys! Post us some nice messages ok?? Love to hear from y'all. Peace out. Miriam


Philippa M said...

mmmmm chicken feet...
you guys all look a bit dazed on the plane back to thailand especially tim the stunned mullet

Anonymous said...

Far out guys. Those are some amazing pictures. Hope your taking care of each other. Missing yas heaps!!

Anonymous said...

Heya Lovely's,

Good to see you guys embrasing the beauty of Chinaland, looks like awesome fun!!

Love ya heaps

Dave and Michelle said...

Monkey Man say you eat my cousin. I think that is bad. Also Yak is friend, not food.
And Ben, when did you learn about raising pigs? What was that, oh youre Clives son. Understood

Dave and Michelle said...

And Ben, you are sooo pretty. GOSH

Unknown said...

Hi Tim. Awesome shots guys. Love to read about your antics. Ewww Chicken milkshake.
Auckland is the same as always. rains one day then fine the next.
Sounds very boring compared to your exciting travels.

Anonymous said...

i want a yak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIM!!! bring me back a yak!!!!!!!!


ohh man thay scenery is stunning, hope noone got sick though (from the combination of the cold and those appetising-looking chicken milkshakes)
i can't believe you ninjas come home in a month and a bit, i'm so proud of all of you and the things you do and have done! Oh, and Timmy, my email is still down, ihug is being poos so i just wanna apologise for the lack of contact. well that was a bit pointless because to the best of my knowledge you won't even get to read this cos you're out the back of Chinaland somewhere haah xp

oppressive and boring is western society very much . raar.

may God bless you and keep your chicken feet snacks free from disease. amen.

chels xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hey Chinas still cool!!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys look's like you been having some pretty awesome times, those mountains are out of it, keep smiling, god is good.

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